Photo: Students of HUMG participated in the course of Strategic and Operational Risk Management in Song Cong Hall
In ten lectures, students are provided theory of risk management and case study of RAG and Vinacomin coal mines with risk identification, risk analysis and assessment, dealing with risk, report of risk and risk culture. The lecturer is a master of utilizing participatory training methods, therefore, students are excited and able to improve their skills and attitude of risk management. New issues of the industry such as "Seven golden rules" or "VISION ZERO" are also discussed during the course.
Students from different disciplines of HUMG benefit from the course with not only the knowledge of risk management but also enlarging their engineering skills with economic and general management knowhow.
As mining in the future does not only require mining engineering with upgrade technologies, but also managers who understand sustainable and responsible mining with safety and risk management competence, the course is successfully evaluated by students in terms of new knowledge and better skills of risk management. Mr. Vu Dinh Thien, a 5-year student from Mining Faculty, confirmed the outcome of the course that students recognize the most valuable resources of entrepreneurs are knowledge and competence of employees.

Photo: Mr. Werner Heinze (5th from left) and students of the course visiting a coal mine of Quang Ninh Cement and Construction Joint Stock Company
University of Applied Sciences Georg Agricola in Bochum, Germany (THGA Bochum) established its partnership with HUMG since 2010. THGA Bochum sends international lecturers to HUMG regularly fro seminar and shortcourses in risk management, safety competence, and quality management, etc. THGA is also the co-organizer of Intenrational Conference on Economic Management in Minerals Activities EMMA 2, 3, and 4 in 2015, 2015 and 2018.
Short course facilitated by international lecturers from Germany, France and the US, etc. are organized in HUMG regularly for students to upgrade their knowledge and skills in international atmosphere. Many students enroll for international short courses during their 4th and 5th year of study, that help them to be active and motivated.