AEP - International Conference on Asia-Pacific Economic & Financial Development


The Australian Economic Papers of Wiley Publishing is pleased to announce the forthcoming International Conference on Asia-Pacific Economic & Financial Development which will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from July 24-26, 2016. The Ho Chi Minh University of Economics has generously agreed to host the conference with special scholarship scheme to support the local contributors.

The conference was organised after considering a number of submissions for AEP from the Asian Region. This annual high-level conference aims to provide a forum for academics, policy makers and practitioners to share their knowledge and expertise on economic and financial development in the Asia-Pacific region. With the growth of Asian Financial Markets as its main theme, it is hoped that the inaugural 2016 Conference will attract those with particular interests in the Asia-Pacific capital markets and financial integrations to make it an outstanding event benefiting people not only in regional countries but also other countries all over the world.

The Conference will serve as an open and transnational collaborative platform for attendees to present their latest research and exchange ideas and information. A special feature of this conference will be a panel discussion session on promoting Asian research and publications. This session will be represented by a team of Managing Editors of internationally ranked refereed journals.

The Australian Economic Papers. Founded in 1965 the journal is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2015. With a strong reputation for publishing quality papers from leading international economists in an exceptionally wide range of topics, the journal has a high impact factor and has been recognised by the Australian Business Dean’s Council. Australian Economic Papers will release two special issues of the best publications presented at the conference. All the papers are subjected to an initial peer review.

Papers presented at the conference also can be published in the Emerald Book Series: “Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, volume entitled "Banking and Finance in Asia pre and post 2008 Global Financial Crisis"; edited by Xuan Vinh Vo & Kevin Daly”. Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis is abstracted and indexed by: Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Economics and Finance, and Management, EconLit, Scopus, Summon (ProQuest), Thomson Reuter’s Book Citation Index and TOC Premier (EBSCO).

The International Business School of the Ho Chi Minh University of Economics is proud to be hosting the inaugural Conference. The International Business School is located in the centre of Ho Chi Minh City in the south of Vietnam and is convenient to a number of tourist attractions. We sincerely hope you will have a memorable time and be richly rewarded from the conference and your visit to this important cultural, industrial and educational centre of Vietnam.

For further information please visit the conference website