Update of Covid-19 situation at HUMG


Beginning April 2020, Covid-19 epidemic becomes globally complicated. Vietnam is also experiencing a spread of Covid-19 virus infections, with currently more than 200 confirmed cases for a population of 97 million.

Like numerous other universities in Vietnam, HUMG has partly closed and we are working at distance. Switching our lectures and meetings to virtual teaching, distance and home learning, home working via digital channels is bringing many opportunities and challenges to academic staff and students in HUMG.

The university has set up a steering team that constantly monitors the current developments surrounding the Coronavirus. The team is in permanent contact and coordination with the national and regional health authorities. In line with this coordination, we have adopted all recommendations from the Vietnamese government to provide adequate precautionary measures. All HUMG students and staff have been instructed by e-mails to follow the national guidelines and informed on the hygiene measures to adopt.

On March 20th, 2020, the university cooperated with Phuong Dong Hospital to organize a livestream program with practical content attached to the Covid 19 epidemic, its global influences and consequences to the studying of HUMG's students. Doctor Pham Ngoc Minh from Emergency Department of Phuong Dong Hospital has instructed HUMG students how to improve their health to prevent themselves from Covid 19 infection. Vivid and visual descriptions through short clips energetically and humorously made it easier for students to grasp the problems. Participating in the very first livestream of the university, Prof. Dr. Tran Thanh Hai - Rector of HUMG and Dr. Nguyen The Loc, the representative of Gradutes Department provided necessary information and advices about students' studying during the epidemic, answering questions about online working, teaching and learning process of HUMG staff and students.

Concerning the university's international affairs, a few members of the international cooperation team are on duty working from home. Following announcement of the university, almost of international students of HUMG are still staying in their home countries since the Lunar New Year holiday (end of January 2020). A few of foreign students including exchange students staying in the dormitory are always updated with the situation of the epidemic.

The health and safety of all staff and students of HUMG are top priorities at the moments, either Vietnamese or foreigners, as confirmed by leaders of HUMG. Therefore, academic and administrative operations are available online with big efforts from all members of HUMG. International students can contact the HUMG International Office at any time should they need help or support, via email and/or telephone. 

"Each time we are facing difficulties and challenges, our solidarity, courage and strong spirits are united. I do trust that our staff and students in HUMG can stay strong, and be creative in teaching, doing research and other operations for the best achievement... Together, we shall overcome this challenge". The strong message of Prof. Dr. Tran Thanh Hai - Rector of HUMG shows the will of all HUMG staff members.